Saturday, May 22, 2010

Revised Calendar

I wrote the calendar on my computer; internet is sketchy at Hawken, so I had no way of posting the calendar or any of the other items on the blog. I don't have a USB drive. Now that I'm home, here it is:

Project Writing #3: May 25

Research/Interviews: May 26-27

Project Writing #4: May 28

Finish All Interviews and Source-Based Research: May 31

Outline Due: June 4

Filling Outline, writing rough draft: June 5-8

- * These days will be spent on figuring out the structure (through outlines), organizing the research, and choosing a final, coherent structure

Rough Draft Due: June 8

Editing Rough Draft: June 9-10

Deadline for final piece: 6/11

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