Monday, May 10, 2010

Project Calendar

Deadline for Senior Project: June 2

- The final project (12-15 pages?) must be turned in to Mr. Breisch on or before June 2.

May 28 – June 2

- These days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday) are devoted wholly to putting together, editing, and organizing the final project. This implies that all research / interviews / prewritings MUST be completed by Friday.

May 24 – May 28

- Final outline is due on May 24. Also, on May 24 and 25, I will work on writing the rough draft of my piece, which is be due on Wednesday, May 26. This gives me two days (May 27 and 28) to edit the draft / finalize my research. I will also work on composing the citations/works cited during these two days.

May 22 – May 23

- These days will be spent on figuring out the structure (through outlines), organizing the research, and choosing a final, coherent structure

May 17 – May 21

- On May 17 and May 19, two separate project writings, which focus on the creative/personal element of the piece), are due respectively. During these “schooldays, I’ll be conducting research and interviews periodically. Reasearch occurs at home. All interview locations will be determined shortly. By May 21, all interviews and source-based research ought to be complete.

May 15-16

- Immersion experiences. I’ll spend time around Coventry, visiting shops, talking to locals, attending shows, dining at restaurants etc. I’ll combine this experience with those of my past, resulting in a personal collage of sorts.

May 10 – May 14

- This calendar = due on May 10. May 10 = spent writing first project writing (creative, my experiences). May 11 and 12 spent researching at Hawken, using resources acquired from local libraries. Then on Thursday, May 13, I’ll turn in another project writing, possibly incorporating my interview with employees of Mac’s Backs (occuring on Wednesday evening @ the store). On Friday, May 14, I will turn in a list of all my interview subjects, both completed and upcoming.

* I will update the blog daily, providing transcripts of interviews, my prewritings, discoveries made during research, and my own take on the project.

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