Friday, May 7, 2010

Long Term Goals

Project Ends on the June 2, which leaves me less than a month to finish. The long term goals of this project are to develop a substantial creative non-fiction piece by the aforementioned date. Ideally, I will finish all interviews and research (conducted concurrently) by May 21--exactly two weeks from today. As I pursue and interview various individuals, I will write creative examinations of my own experiences on Coventry. These creative pieces will be my Virgil, keeping me focused as I proceed through various levels of the project, and I will post them all on the blog. I also intend to post transcripts of the interviews, as well as various quips/quotations I discover through research.

1 comment:

  1. Here's the address of my SP blog:

    Beginning next week, let's follow the protocol on the paper we signed. So, when we meet on Monday AM we can go over the plan for that day--you don't need to post it on your blog--and then also on Monday you can give me a hard-copy of your calendar for May, which you don't have to post on the blog either. So your blog will be used to record work day summaries, interview transcripts, research data etc. OK?
